Created by a Finnish student Linus Torvalds in 1991, the project was initially (still today) to create a free operating system based on kernel.
As comparison, the Windows OS is based on NT Kernel and the Apple OS is based on Darwin Kernel.
Ubuntu, one of many Linux distros, became very popular, thanks to its very easy-to-use approach and versatile uses.
13 years of improvements from the community and overseen by the software company Canonical ( Private and based in UK) created the increasing interest of the IT business world.
Core Philosophy:
-Free of charge Distribution for public and enterprises
-Fully support by the company Canonical
-Core applications free, improved by community and open source
Version - Names
Main Features
Ubuntu 17.04 - Zesty Zapus
Linux Kernel 4.8
Ubuntu 16.04 - Yakkety Yak
Ubuntu 14.04 - Trusty
Ubuntu 13.10 - Saucy
Ubuntu 13.04 - Raring
Ubuntu 12.10 - Quantal
Ubuntu 12.04 - Precise
Ubuntu 11.10 - Oneiric
New Desktop Environment (DE) - Unity
Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty Narwhal
Ubuntu 10.04 - Lucid Lynx
Ubuntu One cloud storage solution
Ubuntu One music storage
Ubuntu Software Center 2.0
Unbuntu Software Store
Ubuntu 09.10 - Karmic Koala
Ubuntu 09.04 - Jaunty Jackalope
Ubuntu 08.10 - Intrepid Ibex
New ease-of-use process
Ubuntu 08.04 - Hardy Heron
2nd version as LTS
Introduce in the business environment
Ubuntu 07.10 - Gutsy Gibbon
Regarded as the most stable version at that moment
Ubuntu 07.04 - Feisty Fawn
Ubuntu 06.06 - Drapper Drake
Long Term Support (LTS)
Ubuntu 05.04 - Hoary Hedgehog
Regular update & Support
Ubuntu 04.10 - Warty Wartgog
1st public Release